Web Design: Modern Trends That May Affect Your SEO

When designing a website, every component, from content, such as articles, videos, podcasts, to plugins, navigation and optimization must be addressed singularly, but also in relation to each other. Every component, no matter how insignificant may appear at first glance, has a tremendous impact on SEO and having a powerful online presence means dealing with […]

Why Your Social Media Marketing Hasn’t Taken Off

Getting attention for your business through social media with an aim of increasing visitors and sales is better known as social media marketing. Today’s business world is dominated by the internet which of course, makes this marketing strategy mandatory for every enterprise with success on their radar. If you are skeptical, some information on how Melbourne […]

Google Panda 4.1 Is Now Live: What Does It Mean?

As most people find information online using a search engine, SEO is essential for any website to survive. Google is the most popular search engine at the moment and indexes billions of pages of content from all around the globe. It uses confidential algorithms to assess the usefulness, credibility and reliability of the site. All […]

Updating Your Business Website With The Newest Trends

We live in a fast-paced world where trends change quicker than many business owners realize. As a matter of fact, over 80% websites online are outdated, while 60% are not even optimized for mobile users. This is huge, especially since mobile internet usage has surged, reaching an astounding 1.2 billion people who access the Internet […]

Local SEO: What To Do After Google’s Latest Update

Google Pigeon has shaken the local SEO world thoroughly. By which means it is advisable for us to react to Google’s new algorithm upgrade and which are its implications? Make sure you’re not falling behind on your Brevard County SEO rankings by not making the necessary adjustments. Google Pigeon – Just Keep on Optimizing On […]

Guide To Choosing The Right Marketing Company

It can be quite difficult to handle all your business’s operations on your own. While it may cost less financially to keep your marketing efforts in-house, you would be spending way too much time working on materials that are not within your field. As a result, it proves to be extremely beneficial to hire a […]

Google Launches New Pigeon Update

Google Pigeon is the latest algorithm change to Google’s search engine to date, introduced  July 24th, 2014. After its implementation, local directories are receiving much higher visibility in search results. Specifically, Google is relying heavily on Yelp to provide more information and recommendations, instead of artificially promoting their own resource, Google Local, to the top […]

Using Pay-Per-Clicks To Your Advantage

In the world of internet advertising, SEO and PPC go hand in hand. PPC, better known as pay-per-click advertising, is when businesses or individuals use Google Adwords or other types of ads in search engine results. You can benefit greatly in your Melbourne FL advertising by properly taking advantage of Google Adwords and PPC campaigns. […]

The Power Of Video

At the heart of the human experience is connection. The desire to be a part of something greater than ourselves. When you are seeking to give valuable information about your business, products, or services, Melbourne Florida video production can give you the cutting edge. It can connect you to your specific audience like nothing else. […]

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